Saint Francis of Assisi Secular Franciscans and Franciscan Sisters enjoy time together

After a quick business meeting, the St. Francis of Assisi Secular Franciscans gathered with the Franciscan Sisters and Friars for an Advent prayer service which focused on the role of St. Joseph. An excerpt from the writings of Richard Rohr reflected on the fact that St. Joseph had faith before the angel spoke to him explaining Mary’s miraculous conception.  He had faith! Do we have that kind of faith?

 A delicious meal followed the Advent prayer service.

The Seculars presented a donation to Sister Mary Ann for use in St. Francis of Assisi School, the alma mater of many of these seculars.

Soon it was time for a fun game of “Dirty Santa”. Game rules were given.

Secular Franciscan gathering

Each person may select one present from the table, or they may “steal” a present from another person.

Secular Franciscan Gathering

It is important to remember that any gift may  be “stolen” only two times!









And so the fun began!

A beautiful Christmas Cactus among so many other options!

A beautiful Christmas Cactus among so many other choices!


SDC16915It is always a great time when Franciscans can gather together and enjoy prayer, sharing and simple fun!