- Holy
- Adore
- Bless
We ADORE YOU most HOLY Lord Jesus Christ here and in all your Churches in the world.And we BLESS YOU because by YOUR HOLY CROSS YOU have REDEEMED the world.
(St. Francis)
- Our Lord Jesus Christ
- We Adore YOU
- Holy Cross
- Savior
The Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity desire nothing else but our SAVIOR who offered himself in HIS own Blood as a sacrifice on the altar of the CROSS for us so that we might follow in HIS FOOTSTEPS.
- We Praise YOU!
- We lift YOU high!
- We exalt YOU!
The Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity profess faithfully to follow in the FOOTPRINTS of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST. This is the TRUE and HOLY OBEDIENCE of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST that we seek to live.
- Franciscan Sisters Adore YOU!
- Franciscan Sisters Love YOU!
- Franciscan Sisters Praise YOU!
For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son,
so that everyone who believes in him might not perish
but might have eternal life.For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world,
but that the world might be saved through him. (John 3:16-17)