After a renewing and refreshing Christmas break, Kindergarteners at St. Francis of Assisi School in Greenwood look ready to return to fun, friends and facts to be learned.
The day begins with the retelling of the Christmas story. It’s still the season to hold the Baby Jesus in our hearts.
Students had been waiting and waiting to read this book! Learning to figure out words on our own in a big step!
We checked out some of the Christmas decorations, especially the Nativity scenes around the campus.
Recess gives us time to spend with our friends and use a bit of our energy. All the rain lately makes it too muddy on the playground, but the front yard and sidewalk will do. It’s amazing how much fun fallen pine branches can be. Some wanted to make hula skirts out of the pine needles. Creativity!
It’s math time and we’re back to shapes and clocks and numbers, oh my!
Before you know it, it is time to go home. Tomorrow will bring another great day of learning!