Franciscan Sisters celebrate Catholic Schools week at St. Francis of Assisi

Catholic Schools Week 2015 began Sunday with a combined English and Hispanic Mass bringing many cultures together; Black, Vietnamese, Asian, Anglo and Hispanic. This celebration of our giftedness here at St. Francis was followed by fellowship with donuts, coffee and juice in the school cafeteria. 

Monday the students and teachers gathered again in church for a prayer service of gratitude.  In Lk 10:1-2, 4-7, 8-9 Jesus tells us to greet everyone with peace, even if the person does not return your greeting of peace, you will be blessed by giving it. A Litany of Thanks, composed of the students’ prayers included: ” For our teachers, Friars, and Sisters who are all well trained and care about us and teach us. That we are free to pray, to learn about God, free to give thanks to the Lord everyday, and are able to go to church. That we can build a stronger faith in God through reading the Bible and attending Mass weekly. That we all try to love and respect each other. That St. Francis School is a peaceful place to learn.  That St. Francis School has a religious  and safe environment. That we have the opportunity to receive a quality education which will prepare us for the future. We pray…We are grateful Lord”.

It has become a custom here, thanks to Sister Mary Beth Kornely’s brother, John, that we have an ice cream treat one day during Catholic Schools Week. The Friars always enjoy scooping and adding the toppings. The students always enjoy the rest!


Wednesday was our school Mass.  The Gospel was taken from Mark 1: 21-28. The Third Graders acted out the Gospel and invited the Kindergarteners to join them in this and other parts of the mass.

As school began each day, morning  prayer included intentions by different grades levels.  Some of their expressed needs were:  “We pray for all of the children who are ill.  That we may bring more peace into our world by our words and actions.  For all of our mothers and fathers.  For all the sick and homeless.  For poor families.  For our  loved ones.  For greater care of the earth.  That we would be peaceable people. For better comprehension skills for our students and for the ability to apply knowledge learned in class to real world situations. To grow as solid Christians pleasing to God.”  We concluded each day’s list of intentions with the “Peace Prayer of St. Francis”.


 At the closing of Mass our Fifth and Sixth Grade girls, under the guidance of their teachers did a prayerful, uplifting praise dance to the song
“Take Me to the King”.

Another Catholic Schools week activity was a service project. Sister Kathleen’s and Sister Elena’s classes decided to polish up our St. Francis Church.

Catholic Schools Week has been an awesome time.

It is Friday and the conclusion of an amazing Catholic Schools week. The little ones really get into the option of wearing pajamas today. Let’s peak into the Kindergarten room and see what they are doing.

So where is Sister Mary Ann our Principal in all of this? Besides staying ahead of everyone she has been busy keeping the events running smoothly.