Spring comes to the Delta revealing new life. It is a perfect time to again celebrate Consecrated Life. This time with some of the Religious of the Delta.
- Bradford Pear in bloom
The Franciscan Friars and Sisters welcomed Religious from various parts of the Delta to mark this Year of Consecrated Life.
- Sister Mary Ann, Brother Patrick and Brother Craig were greeters at the entrance.
- The OFS and SCN Sisters from Durant arrived early on.
- Lord bless us and give us new life.
- “Lord, You fill the hungry with good things.”
As parishioners joined us in our St. Francis of Assisi church we paused and remembered the men and women Religious who have faithfully served us here in Mississippi and given courageous Gospel witness to all God’s people.
- Brother Craig, Guardian of the Friars here at St. Francis welcomed everyone.
- Fr. Thang, a Redemptorist priest serving in the Delta was the celebrant.
- Sister Elena gave an inspirational reflection on her Consecrated vocation.
- Sister Kathleen kept us on key and led us in beautiful chant and song..
- As Fr. Thang sprinkled the incense Fr. Greg led us in the Vespers service.
“Happy the one who shows mercy for the Lord’s sake; they will stand firm forever.”
- “My prayers rise up like incense….O Lord, hear our prayer.”
- “My God and my All.”
- The Lord bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.”
- “Our Father, who art in heaven…”
Following Vespers all were invited to the school cafeteria for a time to socialize.
- Brother Patrick prepared a delicious pulled pork meal in the school kitchen for the social after.
- Many smiling faces of Sisters and guests were greeted by Bro. Parick.
- Sister Annette shared conversation with Fr. Adam and parishioners in the school dining. room.
- Sister Kathleen enjoyed moments of laughter with the PBVM Sisters from Shaw, MS.