The second grade teacher at St. Francis of Assisi school in Greenwood, MS. had her students read a story. A part of the lesson was a reading comprehension test. They were each instructed in the story to make a pinata at home with their parents. Their reading comprehension rated high as each came back with a treasure.
- Each student made a pinata. Half of the class took theirs outside while the other half will wait for another day.
- Which one shall we take first?
- The entire class poses with their teacher for a photo before the fun begins.
- OK, I have located it!
- Ready! Aim! Contact!
- He hit it right on and now it is gone!
- …and there it flies!
Some of the treasures were found inside the pinata and some of the fun was creative usage of the broken parts that remained.
- The scramble was on, but all would be shared equally once they returned to their classroom.
- New Easter bonnets!