It is that time of year in Mississippi when the chilis are beautiful and ripe…
and when Blue Lake remains peaceful and inviting…
despite the effects of the drought which can be seen on the lake itself and on the cypress trees.
It is this time of year also, when we celebrate Catechetical Sunday. We pray for, and bless all the teachers of religion who minister to children in both our Catholic school and our Faith Formation Program.
Sunday liturgy also included the opportunity to pray in blessing for the 17 members from our two parishes who will be present for the Holy Father’s visit in Philadelphia.
But the day was still not complete! We are celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month. Following our weekly Hispanic mass here at St. Francis we enjoyed a delicious meal and fellowship with many of our Hispanic families in the school cafeteria. The meal featured BBQ chicken and red and green chili con carne. Where there is a gathering of Hispanic folks, there also needs to be a soccer match.
As the men good naturedly battled on, the children enjoyed the playground.
The wise women relaxed in the shade of our new tent watching the children and the soccer game, and eventually, the sunset.