The “Newly Forming” Secular Franciscans at St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Greenwood, MS gathered for their annual Retreat which began with, “In the beginning was the Word…”. This reflection was followed by; “The Mystery of the Incarnation/John Duns Scotus” a favorite topic of theirs.
- The world was made because God loves.
- Man’s sin determined the manner, not the primacy of Creation.
The Franciscan Sisters joined the Seculars for Morning and Evening Prayer in St. Francis Church.
Laudato Si, Franciscan Lectio Divina, and From Gospel to Life…were the remaining topics for reflection.
- May you be praised my Lord.
- Gaze, Consider, Contemplate, Imitate
- “I your Lord and Master wash your feet, so must you wash each others’ feet.”
One of our members now comes to meetings with her new friend. And a loyal friend she is!
There was plenty of time for sharing, laughter and Fraternity building…
private prayer, pondering and sharing not only the vocation to the married life, but also to the Franciscan life.
- Our married Franciscans.
- Proudly wearing a top from her visit to Philadelphia to see Pope Francis.
- A beautiful display of fresh fruit for lunch.
A delicious lunch was enjoyed by the Secular Franciscan group and in the evening we had our annual Franciscan family meal with the Friars and Franciscan Sisters joining the Secular Franciscans.
The Gathering was a celebration of God’s love for us and the love we have for each other.