Once school was out for Thanksgiving break it didn’t take us long to get packed up and head South. We received a gracious invitation from Sr. Elena’s sister and brother-in-law to join their family for Thanksgiving dinner.
It was an enjoyable journey as we anticipated the days ahead. It didn’t take long for the sun to set, but as in all of our days, this one too, was filled with so much beauty in God’s creation.
- A beautiful sky as the sun sets.
- Thanksgiving traffic begins to gather.
- A full moon lights our way.
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving meal, celebration and time at the home of Sister Elena’s sister and brother-in-law.
- Sister Elena’s sister’s brother-in-law wanted a picture with all of us.
- The counters were laden with every kind of food!
- Sister Elena and her sister, Lydia.
We found a beautiful welcoming parish, St. Thomas by the Sea. Each day we attended mass here. Thanksgiving mass was held in the larger space while daily mass was in the smaller church. The tabernacle is so placed that it serves both churches.
We couldn’t leave the area without stopping by the Gulf and enjoying the awesome view. Every direction we looked held our attention. God must have had so much fun when He created the earth! We recalled the sights as we sang this verse during Evening Praise.
“Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is Thy faithfulness! Morning by morning new mercies I see; All I have needed Thy hand hath provided, Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!”
We traveled through the tunnel below the Bay of Mobile. Growing up, Sister Elena and her siblings held their breath (so as not to drown) while driving through it. Do you know what she did this time?
Mississippi has its share of trees. These are a few we saw along the way.
- Beautiful pines of MS.
- We have color too.
- Yes, ’tis the season.
Familiar sights as we got nearer to home.
- The rolling hills of MS.
- God was present in such a variety of ways throughout our travels.
- Getting closer… Jackson, MS.
- BOILED peanuts and sweet potatoes. Now we know we are near home!
Signs welcoming us along the way.
- A welcome sight…
- an even more welcome sight!
We had one last stop before we reached home…to gather greens! And not the kind that is eaten in the South!

Sister Kathleen is always thinking ahead. Pine branches for the Advent wreath! Earlier she had found bamboo for the lenten arrangement! No getting ahead of her!
We reached home safely and happy to be back. Isn’t it true? It is always good to go, but also good to get home again! And all before it got dark or the rains began. We considered ourselves again truly blessed.