Franciscan Sisters of Greenwood joined the Hispanic Community in celebrating Our Lady of Guadalupe’s Feast.

The Sisters arrived at Elzy Avenue, where many members of our Hispanic community reside. It was the location for the beginning of the Procession for Our Lady of Guadalupe, the “Queen of Mexico”.

Our little “Lady of Guadalupe” was in place and Juan Diego as well.

All of the children were gathered and the float was filled with flowers for Our Lady. Before we started out all stopped to pray and ask blessings for the journey.

The Procession moved down back roads for about a mile while the group sang songs honoring Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Juan Diego's tilma was spilling over with roses.

As the journey proceeded we noticed Juan Diego’s tilma was spilling over with roses, soon to be brought to our Lady.

The journey brought us all to St. Francis of Assisi church where mass soon followed.

Our journey ended at St. Francis of Assisi Church where Mass was followed by dinner with fellowship and sharing.

It was a day of celebration which truly honored our Blessed Mother.