The Holy Days leading up to Easter had been busy, but so full of meaning. The vigil mass at Immaculate Heart of Mary with the Baptisms and full entry into the church were very special. Easter Sunday Mass at St. Francis Church had been the crowning celebration with Baptisms of two young boys and full Alleluias. Then it was time to have some fun in the convent! The Sisters had a plastic egg and easter basket hunt! As they started off each Sister was “armed” with a plastic grocery bag.
One thing you must say about Sister Kathleen, she is persistent when she is on a hunt!
- There is an Easter egg in here???
- I found it!
- Sister Elena’s mother found her’s behind a small door.
- Sister Elena needed a little “Cold…Hot, Hotter, Hottest” help.
- Sister Kathleen used the ladder to help herself out.
Sister Mary Ann found her basket early on, even before the camera came out!! She was quick!
- Sister Kathleen continues her search in the laundry. This involves lots of potential hiding places.
- Sister Elena considers the possibility of the oven drawer.
- Now really, under the sink?
- Lets look in here…
- …and Sister Mary Ann says, “and in here!”
- So where can it be????
The Sisters and Sister Elena’s mother had a good time searching for the eggs. Four of the eggs held a $1.00 dollar bill and one, the “golden egg”, held a $5.00 bill. But where to find them?
- Now this is where Sister Elena would have put the Golden Egg…in the vent above the stove!
- Sister Mary Ann is getting a little weary of this.
- Gilda checks the box of detergent.
Perseverance pays off!
- Look what Sister Elena found in the refrigerator…
- and Sister Kathleen under the sink…
- and Gilda on top of the refrigerator!
The Golden Egg had not been found. Ok so it is in the kitchen. Are we hot or cold? Sister Annette answers, “You have all been hot at one point.” Is it North, South, East or West? It is West. But all that is on the West wall of the kitchen is 2 doors leading out, a small pantry which has already been checked over and Sister Annette.

After a few moments of silence and eye contact between Sister Elena and Sister Annette, Sister Elena exclaims, “It is on Sister Annette!”
A little pat down of Sister Annette’s pockets and Sister Elena was the proud owner of the Golden Egg!