Greenwood Secular Franciscans Gather for Annual Retreat


The St. Francis Secular Franciscan Fraternity at St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Greenwood, came together this past weekend for their annual retreat. Brother Patrick McCormack, OFM, led the  Seculars in a very stimulating and prayerful time together.


Brother Patrick McCormack, OFM is a member of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Province.


All gathered Friday evening for a Holy Hour after which Br. Patrick gave the group several questions to ponder; “Is this what I want with my whole heart?”  “What is it that I value?” “What is my understanding of Community/Fraternity?” With much to consider, the evening came to a close with Night Prayer.


On Saturday, Brother challenged the group to think about the word Community and opened it up starting with its Latin roots. Com=Cum=with and munity = munas=gift. He continued with the question, “What gift do I bring to Community?” A familiar question all remember from Initial Formation! The discussion broadened to consider, “What gifts do I bring to this Fraternity? What gifts are shared with me?”



The weekend was filled with reflecting, sharing , praying, enjoying meals and celebrating each other. All were enriched by a sense of peace and assuredness, as well as insight and gratitude for all that God has done in them, for them, and through them.