As our country marks the anniversary of the passage of Roe vs. Wade, St. Francis School Kindergarteners began their week long set of lessons on respect for life. The morning began with thinking about the Creation story and how God created people to be his friends. The children reflected on the preciousness of a newly created person as they shared ways they would show respect for a little baby. Expressions of love and care appeared in many gentle forms as the baby passed carefully from child to child.
Next, all began work in their special coloring books. The first page helped them understand how very tiny we are when God first begins our life inside our mother’s womb. Statements of amazement and quiet coloring prevailed.
The classroom bulletin board shows a child growing in the mother’s womb and reminds us all of the words of Scripture, “I am wonderfully made. Truly these reverent moments and sincere faces are witness to the beauty of God’s presence in his little ones.