First Steps into New Year of Franciscan Life at St. Francis of Assisi School

As we returned from a full, but rewarding summer break, we found ourselves having to move all of the contents of several class rooms in the process of reorganizing our school. Each teacher now has her “homeroom” space and a second room for an aide to review a lesson or work with students who need extra help. It also provides a good place to set up centers for the students to go and learn independently.

“What is this”


“We have to do what”?

Both Sister Maria Goretti and Sister Kathleen spent hours on ladders, in cupboards and searching the internet as they prepared their rooms before the students arrived.



Four of the original Frairs who began our St. Francis of Assisi Mission; Fr. Nathaneal, Fr. Chrysostom,             Bro. Adrian, and Bro Bonaventure.


July 29th was the 70th anniversary of the arrival of the Franciscans of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Province to Greenwood, MS.

Fr. Cam celebrated the mass for the 70th Anniversary of the arrival of the Friars in Greenwood.


Br. Patrick shared a reflection of “Remembering” for the mass.









Following the special mass there was a luncheon served in the school cafeteria which encouraged the parishoners to linger and continue the “remembering” of how life was “back in the day” when the Friars first came to our town.

Now the days have passed and we are into the routine of school days.  Sisters Kathleen and Maria Goretti have at last met their groups of shining students.  Thanks to all the assistance of Sisters Judy and Annette in carrying on with duties in the house, all is finally ready in the classrooms.  All of us Franciscans are off to a flying start!


Sister Maria Goretti is setteled into her classroom with her smiling first and second graders. Some still miss their afternoon naps, but Sister says it will improve!

Sister Kathleen is shown with her Pre-K and Kindergarteners. The little ones are still getting used to the idea of being in school.