Franciscan Sisters Are Guests for Parish Radio Show

Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity Sister Kathleen Murphy, Sister Janet Rose and Sister Maria Goretti Scandaliato talk about a recent invitation to be guests on the parish radio show and other pandemic developments at St. Francis of Assisi, Greenwood, Mississippi.

Here we are, masked and live at WGNL, a local radio station owned and operated by members of St. Francis Parish. Each Thursday, owners Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Hughes, provide 30 minutes of free on air time for “The St. Francis Show”. This week the host, Mr. Robert Tanner invited us to join Fr. Kim on the show. The conversation covered many topics, but we were happy to speak about our ministry in the school and parish and the many joys and blessings that life in Greenwood has brought.

We invite you to watch the radio show.

Outside of this brief claim to fame, life with COVID continues in our new found routine of daily Zoom classes. This will end next Friday. Between classes and time to prepare the lessons we have been doing cleaning and sorting tasks as one normally does at the end of the school year.
Our governor has allowed partial opening of businesses in Mississippi. Beyond the essential businesses which have been open, now gift shops, clothing stores, shoe stores, book stores and some other small businesses are allowed to open with restrictions as to numbers and distancing. The rate of new cases being reported has not really dropped yet for our county and in the last week we have heard of several cases and even fatalities among the acquaintances of our church members.

So far, however, we have heard of no cases in the school or parish families, so we certainly are counting that as a great blessing.
The diocese has published new guidelines which go into effect this weekend. As of Saturday, drive up confessions are allowed and as of Sunday, parishes may have Adoration time. Only 10 people will be allowed to enter the church at a time and all are to wear masks while in the church. We Sisters are each taking a time period to be in church in case there are not other parishioners there. We will plan to step out if the number reaches 10. As we all have noted in so many ways…these are different times! Prayers and blessings from Greenwood!

Franciscan Sisters’ Triduum 2020 Remembrances

Franciscan Sister Kathleen Murphy shares on Triduum memories at St. Francis of Assisi Convent, Greenwood, Mississippi.

Holy Thursday brought a day free from school responsibilities as well as another opportunity for online worship. You see our laptop setup in chapel along with our liturgical setting. We are blessed to be able to have the Blessed Sacrament present with us in our home.

We joined our parish family for the Facebook liturgy after which we received Holy Communion and spent time in quiet prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. Joining our voices in repetition of Jesus, Remember Me. We then went quietly to bed to see what the next day would bring.

Good Friday morning dawned with welcome sunshine and warmth. Our chapel was stripped and bare except for this simple display of the Lamb of God. We worked on school work for the upcoming week, did some spring cleaning and prepared for our 3:00 online service. Father Father Cam led a simple, striking celebration of the Lord’s Passion. After receiving Holy Communion, all went went about their tasks quietly. We also joined the virtual version of the national praying of the Litany of the the Sacred Heart of Jesus with Archbishop Gomez in Los Angeles.

Holy Saturday morning allowed time for Sister Maria Goretti to bake Easter bread and rolls. In the afternoon the Sisters gathered for an egg dying session. Sisters Janet and Kathleen are at work while Sr. Maria Goretti abandoned her station to serve as photographer.

Sister Kathleen displayed the Easter message in front of the convent while God took care of adding a splash of color with the beautifully blooming roses.

One of the parish members came to remove the purple cloth from our outdoor cross and replace it with Easter white and a cascade of lilies and other flowers.

As quiet descended on our home, all gathered in chapel for the facebook Easter vigil. Our own chapel water fountain and Paschal candle were lit at the appropriate moments of the liturgy. With alleluias in our hearts, we concluded the celebration and the day.

As Sister Kathleen walked the grounds a bit on our gray Easter  morning, Holy Saturday night’s raindrops had settled on this beautiful fresh Easter rose.

After our online morning Mass, all went about the tasks of preparing their part of the Easter dinner. Our menu choices were a bit limited by what was available in the store. Shortages of flour, eggs and many kinds of meat made themselves known in our meal planning, but all had plenty to work with in the end. By 1:00 all of us gathered around this table setting and with prayer began the joy of feasting. A quiet afternoon featured working on puzzles, playing 5 Crowns and beginning to watch the threatening weather. We were blessed to end the day in safety and quiet joy!


We now have Easter Monday as a free day, but Tuesday will find us back to our online class work. Tuesday is also slated to bring a decision from our Governor regarding when or if schools will come back in session. We pray for wisdom on the part of all!

Franciscan Sisters Remember Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Franciscan Sister Kathleen Murphy highlights the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. March in Greenwood, Mississippi. We pray for peace and justice for all people.

Sister Janet Rose, Sister Kathleen and Sister Maria Goretti joined parish members from St. Francis, Greenwood at the March in honor of Dr. Mar-tin Luther King Jr. The march is held annually on the weekend during which his birthday is celebrated.

Brother Mark Gehret, OFM, also took part in the march.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

“Women played a pivotal role in the civil rights movement, and so it all begins – as does life – begins in a woman’s womb.” – Bernice King




Celebrating Franciscan Sisters’ Sesquincentennial in Greenwood MS

Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Kathleen Murphy shares moments of celebration of our Community’s 150th Anniversary with Franciscan Friars of the Assumption BVM Province serving at St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Greenwood, Mississippi .

The Sisters and Friars gather to celebrate Mass with a special commemorative liturgy.

The chapel arrangement featured bricks and a stone candle along with a framed collection of communal historical pieces.

Fr. Camillus Janus celebrates Mass. The hearts were the focus of his homily. The largest heart is the heart of God whose love encompasses all. The next heart represents the Church, a gift to us from this loving God. The third heart represents the Franciscan Family whose focus is rejoicing in God’s great love for us. The smallest heart represents the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity. We dwell in the depth of and surrounded by God’s love with the mission of sharing and spreading this great gift of love.

The table is ready.

The friars dig into brunch delicacies.




Franciscan Sisters Pray for Healing of Scars of Slavery

Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Kathleen Murphy shares on the St. Francis of Assisi Convent, Greenwood, Mississippi, remembrance of the 400th anniversary of the arrival of the first African slaves in the United States.

Sunday, August 25 marked Healing Day of National Bell Ringing. This day marks the 400th anniversary of the arrival of the first African slaves on American shores. These captives were taken from present day Angola and were brought to what is now the state of Virginia.

The Sunday liturgy at St. Francis Parish in Greenwood included prayers for the healing of the still-present scars of slavery, as well as the singing of such songs as We’ve Come A Long Way Lord, O Freedom, and the Black National Anthem entitled Lift Every Voice and Sing.

Parish members were invited to join others across the nation in recognizing this day by ringing a bell at 3:00 p.m. Sister Janet and Sister Kathleen took part in this commemoration with the ringing of their own bells on the front porch of the convent. We continue to pray for the healing of racial ills and injustices in our nation which so often find their roots in the evil of slavery.

Franciscan Reflection on Families

On this feast of the Holy Family

it is a day to sit before these images in our convent chapel

and to:

give thanks for our own families.

pray for the families of our students and parishes.

ponder the humility of God as he comes to a simple family.

reflect on the hardships and fears as well as the graces and wonders that were part of these day for Mary and Joseph.

Happy Feastday to our Motherhouse community

and to all of us who belong to so many different families!

Merry Christmas!


Meet the Franciscan Sisters of Greenwood

Greetings to each of you from each of us here in the Mississippi Delta!  Given time to reflect,  we find that we have many reasons to rejoice in our call to serve here at St. Francis Mission.  Francis is more than a name here in Greenwood.  It is truly a tangible spirit.  Walk with us as we follow the example set by Francis and his band of Saints.

Franciscan Sister Annette and Secular FranciscansSister Annette is walking in the footsteps of Francis and has experienced and brought many blessings to our convent community as well as to the still forming community of Secular Franciscans here at St. Francis Parish .  She stays very busy creating a true spirit of home for us sisters just as Francis did with his friars.

Sister is also very committed to her work as the Spiritual Assistant  and Formation Minister of our Secular Franciscans.  Monthly, she plans formation sessions as well as a total group gathering .  In between she is busy studying, staying in touch with fraternity members and keeping current on regional and national fraternity matters.  She has become very active in the regional group and led an inspiring Day of Recollection for all members of the region.  May St. Francis remain at her side!

Franciscan Sister Mary Ann St. Francis of Assisi School Principal

You might be looking at the feet of Brother Giles.  Tradition holds that he once said, ” Your right eye must keep on heavenly things, the left one, on the things of this earth.”  Sister Mary Ann has been following Giles’ words and footsteps.  She has been keeping one eye on school finances and one on the academic excellence of our students.  She wears one professional shoe and has attended some helpful and encouraging gatherings of principals.  She continues to lead the school staff in working with the ACES program sponsored by Notre Dame University which aims to strengthen the curriculum.  She also moves the school community forward in increased use of technology.

Her jogging shoe speaks of the attention she gives to keeping us all on the path of goodness.  She makes many miles a day in reaching out to each student, parent, and staff member to let them know that they are a valued member of the school community.  Her efforts produced an amazing Fall Festival with record breaking proceeds and family involvement!

Franciscan Sister Kathleen Kindergarden Teacher St. Francis of Assisi School

Have you ever heard of Friar Gregory Girard?  He was a Franciscan who created new methodologies for teaching large numbers of the children of the poor.  Sister Kathleen finds that his footsteps lead in a helpful direction as she works with her little Kindergarten flock.  The patter of their little feet in so many directions keep her busy following up on their needs and interests.  Her feet also find their way into work in the parish as she teams up with the Faith Formation program, liturgy committee and choir.


Franciscan Sister Elena steps into St. Francis, Greenwood.


These comfy shoes are empty, but they belong to Sister Elena.  She will has just joined us, coming from the Arizona desert.  She will venture into life as a third grade teacher and will be finding her way into other needs that match her many talents.


We hope that sharing our journeys and inspirations with you will help to let you know that we, here in Greenwood feel very blessed to be Children of the King!  Know of our prayers for you as we walk on our Franciscan way.