St. Francis School Children Crown Mary Statue

It is the month for Mary. St. Francis of Assisi School children crowned a beautiful statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary at a recent Mass. These words from The Versified Life of Saint Francis by Henri d’Avranches seem appropriate for this devotion.

O loving Mother, hail Mary, filled with the Spirit’s gift,
The Lord be with you, you are blessed among women,
And blessed the fruit of your womb,’ And say those words
For as long and as often as your devotion lasts.
For through you ponder the first joys of Christ’s mother.

Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Kathleen Murphy also prepared her PreK and Kindergarten students for the Sunday readings. Jesus is the Good Shepherd. Can you find the sheep among the students?

Find next Sister Kathleen and her class making a symbol of their hearts giving to Jesus as they learn how much Jesus loves them. “Sing Alleluia, Sing”!