St. Francis of Assisi Mardi Gras Party

Some time during the month of February, Greenwood, Mississippi’s St. Francis of Assisi Mardi Gras Party is a real fun time event. It is also an extreme blessing to St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School.  A significant fund raiser, it provides for the many big and small needs of a parish school.

Sister Janet, Sister Maria Goretti and Sister Kathleen were among the volunteers who created the atmosphere at Leflore County Civic Center. The group knew what they were doing and the proper supplies were on hand to finish in time for the arrival of guests.

The February 11, 2020 event was held from 7 p.m. to midnight and included music, food, much conversation and many hues of Mardi Gras colors. May the Lord watch over us all during the coming days of Lent.

St. Francis of Assisi Parish Decorated for Christmas

Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Kathleen Murphy has her eye on the beauty and uniqueness of Christmas celebrations around her at St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Greenwood, Mississippi. Find here convent chapel scenes that also inspire focused contemplation.

The glorious tree in St. Francis Church creates a beautiful backdrop for baby Jesus. Reminiscent of the story of Christmas in Greccio, St. Francis Church always features the image of Francis with the Baby Jesus near the tree.

St. Francis Church in its Christmas splendor includes the Eucharistic Presence adorned with magnolia leaves and poinsettias.

St. Francis saw the great love of God for us as exhibited in Jesus in the crib, Jesus on the Cross and Jesus in the ciborium. Christmas at St. Francis Church recalls all of these wondrous manifestations of God’s love.

At the convent the three-fold  theme of St. Francis and his great love for Jesus is also displayed.

“Blessed Francis, however, was standing before the manger fully of sighs of joy and suffused by an indescribable sweetness…truly he was so overcomeby sweet devotion toward the infancy of that King, that whenever he had to speak the name of Jesus Christ, he would, as if stuttering, call him “the babe of Bethlehem,: out of excess of loving tenderness…” -The Life of Saint Francis by Julian of Speyer, Chapter 10, 54

St. Francis of Assisi School Entry in Greenwood Christmas Parade

Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Kathleen Murphy shares Christmas parade moments for St. Francis School, Greenwood, Mississippi.

Students of St. Francis School are ready and waiting for the Christmas Parade to begin. The theme for the float was Ornaments of Hope.

Sister Janet enjoys the children’s enthusiasm for the joys of the holiday!

Aladin’s lamp and his genie are inflated and ready. The genie seems to be enjoying the band’s performance.

The mighty young men of St. Francis School are in readiness as the parade begins to roll forward.

Franciscans Celebrate Transitus of St. Francis

Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity, Franciscan Friars of the Assumption Province and Secular Franciscans celebrated the Transitus of St. Francis Assisi on October 3rd. It is a vigil service remembering St. Francis’ death and resurrection, while focusing on what is ours to do for Christ today.

As part of the prayer all present lit candles and heard the Canticle of the Creatures, Psalm 142 and the Gospel of John starting with the passage that begins: Six days before the Passover, Jesus knowing that the hour had come for him to pass from this world to the Father…

Significant to the Greenwood, Mississippi commemoration was the use of the relic of St. Francis. This precious sign of St. Francis was a reminder of our Holy Father Francis’ presence with us still.

St. Francis School Celebrates Grandparents

Franciscan Sister Kathleen Murphy shares on a recent Grandparents’ day at St. Francis of Assisi School, Greenwood, Mississippi.

On Wednesday, September 11 the St. Francis of Assisi School community welcomed our students’ Grandparents and other family members. Guests joined us for the school Mass where they were specially welcomed and received a special blessing from Franciscan Friar Fr. Camillus Janus.

The students then escorted their family members to the classrooms for a little visit before lunch. Our cafeteria staff outdid themselves with a true southern feast featuring fried chicken, sweet potatoes, greens, mac and cheese, cornbread, iced tea and cake. Proud students and happy grandparents finally received cards and greetings from the little ones and all said their goodbyes. It was a great day to share the joys of family.